Chapter 1: "The Lost Child"
Summary: "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand is a poignant story that revolves around a young child who gets lost in a fair. The story begins with a child accompanying his parents to a village fair. As they move through the fair, the child is attracted to various sights, sounds, and activities like toys, sweets, and rides. However, every time he expresses a desire to buy something, his parents turn down his requests. The child, though disappointed, obeys them and continues to walk alongside them.
As they move further, the child is mesmerized by a roundabout swing. In his excitement, he lets go of his parents' hands and rushes towards the swing. However, when he turns around, he realizes that his parents are nowhere to be seen. Panic-stricken, he starts crying and searches frantically for his parents.
As the child moves through the fair, he no longer finds any joy in the attractions that once fascinated him. The toys, sweets, and swings that he desired earlier now seem meaningless without his parents. A kind-hearted man notices the lost child and tries to comfort him by offering him various things like sweets, balloons, and the ride on the roundabout. But the child refuses everything, crying incessantly for his parents.
The story highlights the deep bond between parents and children and how the presence of loved ones is more important than material possessions. It also underscores the innocence of childhood and the sudden sense of insecurity and fear that a child feels when separated from their parents.
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